Our Wellness Agenda

A place to focus on self-care.

At Hedgerow we are committed to creating a space where you can focus on your wellbeing, wellness and self-care. We have added several features around the  glamping site which are designed to aide your relaxation whilst onsite with us, allow you to enjoy the company of your loved one, slow down and feel better.

You can now experience up-close and personal animal encounters along the wellbeing pier, a strip of land which will safely take you into one of our fields so you can surround yourself with alpacas, sheep, cows and chickens.

Have a chat with an alpaca whilst practicing some yoga or meditation. Enjoy a cuppa on the bench whilst you watch the sunrise. Take your shoes off and feel the grass beneath your feet whilst the chickens peck around you.

Pick Your Own Eggs

Cluckingham Palace, our onsite chicken coop is a firm favourite with our guests. Not only do you get to enjoy the characters of our hens but you can also pick your own fresh eggs each day. The hens are very good at laying in the coop, and if you see any eggs elsewhere onsite leave them there and let us know!

Don’t be surprised if you get a chicken visiting you on your deck…they have even been known to walk into the pods!


Above all else we want you to relax whilst you are at Hedgerow…whatever that looks like for you.

If you spend all day in the hot tub and sauna or get out into fresh air